KARS and ARRL Affiliated Club Logos

KARS 2m Tuesday Night Net

How long has it been since you joined our Tuesday night net? Check in Sept 17 @ 7pm to the net to catch up on the weeks events, words about the weather, or bring up something radio related you're doing this week. Marsh (WA5UBO) will be net control and looking forward to your check in. For more info, check out The KARS 2m Net page.

October 3, 2024 Monthly Meeting: 7pm @ Boerne Library

Several members meet for dinner and conversation before the meeting. This month we are meeting at Bella Sera Italian Restaurant, 812 N. Main St. Everyone is welcome to join, so hope to see you there. Click on the meeting link above for more information.

Are you a newly licensed ham or want to become one? Join us at our monthly meeting for tips and tricks on everything from antennas, radio usage, digital modes and technical presentations.

KARS Gives Back

As a 501c3 non-profit, KARS members provide assistance to Kendall County EMS, Boerne Police and Kendall County Sheriff's Office along with other organizations local to Kendall County.

Social Media

Join us on Groups.io for conversation about all ham radio topics.

We also post events and updates on our Facebook page

KARS 2m Net

Every Tuesday at 7:00pm the KB5TX 146.640mhz repeater hosts the Kendall County 2 Meter Net. All amateur radio operators are invited to join in net activities.

ARRL Testing

The Boerne Library has in place the following schedule for Ham Radio Testing. Test dates are Saturdays at 12 noon in the 2nd Floor Conference Room - Sep 7, Oct 5, Nov 9 and Dec 7 for 2024. All of these date fall after the 1st Thursday of each month (KARS Meeting dates). We have 18 Volunteer Examiners capable of testing for technician all the way to extra class.