KARS and ARRL Affiliated Club Logos

Tower Fundraising Event

In an effort to finish the repairs to the tower caused by the ice storm of 2023, an anonymous donor has pledged up to $5000 in matching funds. While we prefer check or cash donations to avoid service charges, we do have a DONATION button on our Square page to accept your credit card donations. Every bit helps, so please donate for us to maxmimize the matching fund!


ARRL Field Day Preparation

ARRL Field Day will be on June 28-29 this year which will be here before we know it. KARS is looking for a member to take the lead on planning for this year's event. Contact Jesse (W1BBT) if you would be willing to take on this challenge.

Next Meeting: April 3, 2025 @ 7:00pm

Our next meeting will be on April 3, 2025 at the Agricultural Museum. Check out our meetings page for more details.

Are you a newly licensed ham or want to become one? Join us at our monthly meeting for tips and tricks on everything from antennas, radio usage, digital modes and technical presentations.

Public Events

KARS members have a history of providing assistance to Kendall County EMS, Boerne Police and Kendall County Sheriff's Office along with other organizations local to Kendall County.

Social Media

Join us on Groups.io for conversation about all ham radio topics.

We also post events and updates on our Facebook page

KARS 2m Net

Every Tuesday at 7:00pm the KB5TX 146.640mhz repeater hosts the Kendall County 2 Meter Net. All amateur radio operators are invited to join in net activities.

ARRL Testing

We have 18 Volunteer Examiners capable of testing for technician all the way to extra class. Check out our testing schedule for new licenses and upgrades.